Impresaone app
I have been working as a main UX/UI designer on the Impresaone app project for Telmekom Networks company for the past year and a half. I have worked alongside the company founders, a Project Manager and a team of backend and frontend developers to bring the work management application tool with sales lead management tracker design to life. In the post-launch user experience survey, 93% of the respondents stated to be very satisfied with the app experience and 96% found it easy to use.
May 2022-present
Ant Design + React Native Paper Design
My role
UX/UI Designer
Company founders
1 PM
1 Team of SWEs
Telmekom Networks is a German-Italian telecommunications service provider. They are in need of a business support application that will organise their mismanaged workflows, digitally transform and storage their sales and marketing processes, and make sure their leads don’t keep falling through the cracks.
During the span of a year and a half, I have created the design for a work management application tool called “Impresaone” where users can easily manage, organise, collaborate on projects, track and receive feedback from their team members in order to maximise the overall team performance and process. Its sales lead management tracker ensures the right sales reps follow up on leads while the leads are at the most critical stages of the sales cycle. After the release of a beta version and user feedback, a few prototype iterations have been made, as well as the implementation of additional features, all in order to facilitate user experience. The SaaS app is currently used by the employees of Telmekom company on computer, tablet and mobile, to accommodate their lead management which tends to be both door-to-door and telemarketing.
User persona
User stories
Design iterations
The Impresaone app’s kanban view, highlighted by Telmekom company as the most important lead management view, went, reasonably so, through a few iterations until the client was completely satisfied with the design. The final design includes the following changes:
a slider visually representing the probability of a potential revenue becoming real revenue has been positioned on top of each bucket;
a much more visual portrayal of deals that are past due and need a follow-up call has been achieved;
a more highlighted filter button has been positioned in the header for the user to always be aware of the possibility to filter through deals and search for a specific one;
the final row of the deal card has been reordered and shortened in order to fit in the deal unique ID number;
real revenue, potential revenue and probability numbers inside the second row of the deal card have been visually redesigned and reordered in order to be more uniform and therefore make the mathematical equation stand out more;
“add deal” button has gone from being a primary button to being a secondary button, as it was drawing too much attention from the kanban buckets with deals;
A really challenging task was trying to fit in the offer configurator into a mobile phone screen, especially a smaller-sized one. Trying to organise the elements on the screen in a specific manner to achieve a visual hierarchy, so the content does not become too overwhelming for the user, has resulted to be pretty tricky. However, by adapting each element’s size, colour, shade and position, the user was successfully guided through the screen and towards the elements with priority.
Creating the screen that will showcase updates of different type, status and priority made on a specific deal has been a really interesting design task. It has undergone quite a few changes from the first design, as the company’s requirements were the following:
to visually make the differentiation between user and system actions more apparent;
to switch the activities timeline direction so that the latest updates come on top, as those are of more significance to the user evaluating the deal status than the ones made back when the deal was created;
to reposition all action buttons and rethink the level of visual emphasis each one of them should be given;
to organise the activities filters in a more subtle manner so that they occupy less screen time - the user should always know how many filters are ON, but does not need to constantly see the filter list, only on click;
to incorporate the “reset” button into the filter list, as it is important to enable the user to go back to default filters anytime, and a specialised search bar next to the activities, to remind the user of the possibility to not only filter through activity categories but also search for a specific activity;
regroup and simplify the options shown in deal header, and make the header collapsable/expandable.
Product successes
The final design of Impresaone app, which contained various improvements and additional user requests, increased the user satisfaction by 31%, compared to the previous feedback we gathered from the users. Quoting one of the user testing participants, Marco Tscholl, “Having this business product with a lead management tracker, specialised to fulfil all our needs, will definitely improve our internal company processes and make sure all leads are accounted for.”
What I learned
Throughout my time working on this business support application for Telmekom Networks, I’ve mastered the Ant design language for web app and React Native Paper for mobile app, which has helped me rapidly create consistent, high-quality user interfaces and has made my collaboration with developers much easier and efficient. Evidently, not all components could be reused and some required manual tweaking in order to completely satisfy our client’s needs, but using design systems made the whole process more organised and less time-consuming, as we could deliver a first-rate product much sooner.